Jorge Loaeza

Jorge Loaeza

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Jorge Loaeza

Spanish Teacher

Jorge is originally from Mexico City, a place rich in history and cultural heritage. He studied Communication with a specialization in Advertising and Social Psychology. Jorge began teaching at his alma mater in Mexico, where he discovered his passion for sharing knowledge and life experiences. “I understood the importance of teaching organically and actively, creating environments of trust, inclusion, and collaboration.”

He moved to New York City 20 years ago to work in a binational migrant program. Through his experience with his children and working with Mexican migrants, he realized the importance of being able to communicate in another language. He has significantly impacted many lives by helping people adjust to their new environment and embrace cultural traditions.

His passions include cooking, participating in sustainability programs, learning about the Muralist Movement in Mexico, experimenting with plastic arts, and writing short stories.

At Oliverian, he will continue to promote the idea that everyone is unique in their way of being and doing things. Therefore, he describes his role as a mentor as encouraging people to unleash their potential and discover their passions to be happy in their lives.

“Teaching for me is a reciprocal journey: Enseñar es Aprender


What I love most about Oliverian School

In my high school educational journey, I had a completely different experience than what Oliverian School provides its students. The balance between support and academic freedom is outstanding. My previous education was strict and didn’t offer the same personal guidance and educational process.

At Oliverian, I’ve found a unique environment that promotes freedom of thought and provides a peaceful setting for learning. The school offers exceptional academic support and life guidance, which is crucial for student development.

One of the most profound concepts I’ve encountered at Oliverian is “Metanoia,” which signifies a transformative change of heart and mind. This idea perfectly encapsulates Oliverian’s educational philosophy, encouraging students to broaden their perspectives and embrace new ways of thinking. Such an approach equips them with invaluable tools to navigate and find their path in life.

What motivates you to work with kids?

Working with kids on their educational journey is an extraordinary adventure. Their natural curiosity and eagerness to learn are incredibly inspiring. Interacting with their fresh perspectives motivates me to develop diverse teaching approaches and learn alongside them continuously.

Estar cerca de los jóvenes es, compartir su energía y entender sus ideales.