Cristina Trifon

Cristina Trifon

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Cristina Trifon

College & Transition Counselor, Art Teacher

Cristina Trifon is the College and Transition Counselor at Oliverian. Born and raised in Ecuador, Cristina moved to Germany after high school where she completed her BA in International Politics and History at Jacobs University Bremen, as well as her MA in National and Transnational Studies: Literature, Culture and Languages at the University of Münster.

Cristina is an artist, avid reader and outdoors enthusiast with a keen interest in education – how we define it, and how we impart it. As such, she feels most at home outside frolicking in the mountains, behind a book, or in educational contexts, engaging in discussions that question systems of oppression and are generative of a kinder and more inclusive future. This is the cornerstone of Cristina’s interest in helping young bright minds find their place in the world and move on to their best future after they leave our home at Oliverian.

Throughout her professional path, Cristina has engaged as an educator in different areas, such as teaching literature, mentoring high school and university students, and working as a recruitment and admissions counselor at an international university in Europe. Cristina now uses the knowledge she has collected from these experiences to guide students at Oliverian in their transition after high school.

What do you love most about Oliverian? 

I am grateful to be part of a community that is profoundly welcoming and always willing to make space for everybody, or learn how. I also love that this is a place where I can share my many different interests and skills with incredibly engaging people.

What motivates you to work with kids?

They are the most inspiring people. I find that being an educator is an incredible learning experience and I love what we all get out of being challenged, as well as learning what motivates and what inspires them. It keeps us all young.